10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (2024)

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (1)

High-ticket dropshipping products can be an excellent option for companies looking to differentiate their brand, and earn significant profit margins.

With high-ticket dropshipping items, you’ll have more opportunities to attract the attention of big spenders in the ecommerce space.

Here at Ecommerce Platforms, we’ve helped countless companies develop their own dropshipping store, selling a variety of high-ticket, low-ticket, and mid-range items.

Today, we’re sharing our insights from working with dropshipping business owners and suppliers, to help you find the best high-ticket items and niches for your store.

We’ll also be providing step-by-step guidance and tips for launching your dropshipping venture.

Table of contents

  1. What is High Ticket Dropshipping
  2. Pros and Cons of High ticket Dropshipping
  3. High Ticket Dropshipping vs Traditional Dropshipping
  4. The Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Niches and Categories
  5. How to Start Selling High Ticket products
  6. Selling the Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products
  7. FAQ

What is High Ticket Dropshipping

High-ticket dropshipping is the art of selling premium, or high-priced items, via the dropshipping model. The dropshipping business model doesn’t require companies to manufacture, store, or ship their own products to customers.

Instead, you work with high-end manufacturers, promoting their products on your ecommerce store, or marketplace storefront.

When customers purchase one of your high-quality items, their order is sent to your dropshipping partner, who handles the fulfillment process. We often recommend dropshipping as an excellent business model for ecommerce beginners.

It requires minimal upfront investment (as you only pay for products after a customer buys something). Plus, there are no warehousing or inventory management costs, and minimal logistical issues to deal with. With high-ticket dropshipping, you have a unique opportunity to separate your online store from a range of other dropshippers selling simpler, low-ticket items.

Hight Ticket vs Low Ticket Items

High ticket and low-ticket dropshipping are two very different business strategies. With low-ticket dropshipping, you’ll invest in selling cheaper products, using a relatively high price margin. Your focus will often be on selling large volumes of products quickly.

With high-ticket dropshipping, you’ll focus on selling more expensive products for a lower profit margin. You’ll spend more time finding the best products and finding ways to convert your customers, and less time focused on high-volume sales.

Pros and Cons of High ticket Dropshipping

Every business model has its pros and cons to consider. Developing a high-ticket dropshipping store, and selling expensive products can be highly profitable, but there’s a risk that you’ll convert fewer customers too, particularly if you’re not experienced in marketing.


  • Higher profit margins: Instead of attempting to sell large volumes of cheaper products, like a low-ticket dropshipping store, you’ll be focused on selling fewer products, at a much higher price. This can lead to better profits, and even a stronger brand reputation.
  • Less competition: Few entrepreneurs have the experience required to effectively sell high-quality products. This means you’re less likely to have high levels of competition. This is important now that dropshipping is becoming increasingly popular.
  • Time savings: Since you’ll sell a lower volume of products with your high-ticket dropshipping store, you’ll likely spend less time on customer support. You won’t have as many customer queries or returns to deal with in most cases.


  • Higher costs: Although you still only pay for products when customers purchase them, you will need to invest more into marketing your online business, with tools like SEO and social media, and ensuring your customers get excellent experience.
  • More risk: If a high-ticket item goes missing, or is damaged during transit, this can have a significant impact on your cashflow. You’ll need to ensure you’re taking the right measures to protect the expensive items you sell.
  • Complexity: Succeeding with high-ticket dropshipping requires significant product research, exceptional marketing strategies, and excellent sales knowledge. You’ll need a decent knowledge of branding, and you’ll need to commit to validating the high price of your items.

Ultimately, high-ticket dropshipping can be extremely rewarding, but we would only recommend it to the best sellers. If you have significant experience with researching your target market, finding the right products, and making sales, this could be the strategy for you.

High Ticket Dropshipping vs Traditional Dropshipping

Often, low-ticket dropshipping is referred to as “traditional dropshipping”. Many beginners in the dropshipping world focus on finding low-ticket dropshipping suppliers on platforms like AliExpress, so they can source cheap products, and sell them for higher profit margins.

High-ticket dropshipping can be a little more complex, but it also has some unique benefits. Let’s look at the differences side-by-side:

High-Ticket DropshippingTraditional Dropshipping
Start-Up CostsExtra costs for marketing, promotion, branding and sales strategies.Reduced capital required for branding and marketing.
Risk LevelHigher customer expectations, and higher risk if items go missing.Lower customer expectations and lower risk if items are damaged.
Difficulty LevelRequires a deep knowledge of marketing, branding, and sales techniques.A beginner-friendly option for new dropshipping companies.
Profit MarginsHigher profit margins for each product sold.Lower profit margins with a higher demand for volume selling.
Product VarietyRelatively large range of product options.Extremely large variety of products to sell.
CompetitionFewer customers, and fewer competitors.More customers, a larger market, but also more competition.
Shipping CostsHigher shipping fees and potential need for insurance.Lower shipping fees.

Essentially, while the potential for profit and business differentiation is higher with high-ticket dropshipping, the risks, complexity, and costs are higher as well.

The Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Niches and Categories

There’s no one-size-fits-all guide to selecting the best products for your high-ticket dropshipping business. Your choices will depend on numerous factors, including your target audience, and where you’re going to be sourcing items from. However, we’ve discovered a series of high-ticket dropshipping niches, that can generate high profits for ecommerce vendors.

1. Home Appliances

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (2)

The global market for home appliances is set to grow to $1100.4 billion by 2031, demonstrating an excellent opportunity for a growing ecommerce business. With the home appliances niche, you can explore everything from vacuum cleaners (or robot vacuums), to white goods like:

  • Washing machines
  • Tumble dryers
  • Refrigerators

Since all of these products are considered a “necessity” in most homes, you should have a relatively easy time finding customers, particularly if you know how to market your store effectively, with search engine optimization and social media.

2. Furniture (Indoor)

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (3)

The market for furniture has increased consistently for the last few years. However, demand for these products has exploded in the last few years, as consumers have begun investing more heavily in home comforts. By 2028, the market should be worth $932 billion.

In the home furniture niche, you can experiment with product ideas such as:

  • Sofas and chairs
  • Lamps and chandeliers
  • Beds and mattresses
  • Carpets and rugs
  • Desks and tables

You could even sell a few low-ticket accessories too, such as throw pillows, blankets, duvet covers, and lampshades, to increase your profits.

3. Outdoor Sporting Equipment

Since the pandemic, the interest in outdoor sports and activities has increased, as consumers look to spend more time pursuing their hobbies in nature. If your target audience is interested in staying fit and pursuing their passions, this could be an extremely profitable niche.

Consider products specific to certain customers and their interests, such as:

  • Snowboards and Skis
  • Surfboards
  • Kite surfing and windsurfing equipment
  • Paddle boards and kayaks

You could also delve into the print on demand landscape, and create outdoor apparel for your customers, in a range of different styles.

4. Landscape and Gardening Supplies

People aren’t just investing more in the comfort and style of their home’s interior these days. We’ve also seen an increase in customers searching for landscaping and garden supplies. By 2026, this market could be worth around $38 billion.

Some of the best high-ticket products to explore in this niche include:

  • Lawn mowers
  • Leaf blowers
  • Garden sheds
  • Pond or pool kits
  • Greenhouses

You could create an entire Shopify store dedicated to connecting with green-thumbed garden enthusiasts. We recommend boosting your online visibility, by creating blogs and how-to guides for gardening fans.

5. Electronics and Tech Gadgets

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (4)

The technology industry is one of the fastest-growing and most profitable in the world. By 2028, the market for consumer electronics will be worth around $1177 billion, making it a valuable niche for the modern dropshipper. Remember, you’re looking for products with a high price point, so ignore standard webcams and think about:

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  • Digital cameras
  • VR and AR headsets
  • Earbuds and headphones
  • Smartphones
  • Smart watches

You can always throw a few low-ticket products into your collection too, if you want to reach more customers, like standard computer accessories and phone cases.

6. Kitchen Appliances

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (6)

Kitchen appliances and cooking equipment are excellent for any dropshipping business. Everyone needs reliable kitchen gadgets, which might be why the market for this sector is expected to grow at A CAGR of 5.9% up to 2030. The options in this niche are potentially limitless. You can consider:

  • High tech coffee makers and espresso machines
  • Indoor grills and induction cooktops
  • Air fryers
  • Blenders or Juice makers

We recommend paying close attention to the latest trends in the cooking landscape here. Air fryers are extremely popular right now, as are any products that help to make food healthier.

7. Outdoor Recreational Equipment

Similar to the outdoor sporting equipment niche, the outdoor recreational equipment segment appeals to a massive audience. You can target everyone from staycation lovers who enjoy taking camping trips with their family, to avid hikers and nature lovers. Some great product ideas include:

  • Luxury camping tents and equipment
  • Portable projectors
  • Hiking gear and clothing
  • High-quality sleeping bags

If you’re thinking of creating hiking clothing and sleeping bags, consider branching into the print on demand space, to make your products unique.

8. Interior Design

As mentioned above, consumers are spending more money on their homes right now, particularly as hybrid and remote work turns the home landscape into an office, as well as a sanctuary. Interior design products are an excellent way to capitalize on this trend. Options include:

  • Vanity desks and tables
  • Kitchen island lighting
  • Luxury murals for walls

Interior design items can generate high profits, and can be combined with other niches, such as home improvement, furniture, or exterior design (garden and landscaping) products.

9. Garden Furniture

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (7)

We already mentioned that indoor furniture was a fantastic niche for high-ticket dropshipping companies, but don’t neglect the outdoors too. This can be an excellent niche to combine with other high-ticket dropshipping sectors, such as the landscaping space.

Some of the best garden furniture options to explore include:

  • Hot-tub equipment
  • Garden hammocks and swing chairs
  • Luxury patio furniture

The garden furniture market is expected to reach a value of $72.8 billion by 2030, so now’s a great time to jump into this industry.

10. High Tech Products

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (8)

If you’re interested in attracting customers on the cutting edge of the technology landscape, high-tech products may be the perfect option for you.

There are various great options out there, covering a huge price range, so you shouldn’t be limited for choice. Some of our top recommended items include:

  • Massage chairs
  • Electric bikes
  • Home theatre projectors
  • 3D printers

You can also combine these high-tech items with other trending products in the tech landscape, such as consoles, smartphones, and VR headsets.

How to Start Selling High Ticket products

We’ve covered some of the top high-ticket dropshipping products worth selling, now it’s time to explain how you can create a successful dropshipping store. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to set you on the right path.

Step 1: Find a Reliable Supplier

First, you’ll need a quality supplier to ensure you can access the right range of products, and get them shipped to your potential customers as quickly as possible. There are a few things worth thinking about when making your choice, such as:

  • Location: The closer your supplier is to your customers the better, as this ensures you can deliver items with fast shipping times.
  • Integrations: Choose a supplier that integrates with Amazon, Shopify, or any other sales platforms you’ll be using.
  • Product selection: Ensure your dropshipping supplier offers a wide range of products in your chosen category or niche.

Step 2: Choose Your Pricing Carefully

Choosing the right price for your products is crucial when selling high-ticket items. Ultimately, you’ll need to charge more than you would for a low-ticket item. However, you don’t want to scare your customers away when they reach the checkout.

Research the average price for similar products in your niche, and use that as a benchmark for setting your own prices. You can check sale information on Ebay, Amazon, and other Shopify dropshipping stores. Remember to experiment too.

You can consider offering a wide range of products at different price points to attract more customers, and offer sales and discounts at certain times of the year.

Further reading 📚

How to Choose The Right Price for Your Product (3 Best Practices) How to Price Your Print-on-Demand Products in 6 Simple Steps

Step 3: Build a Powerful Brand

As we mentioned above, high-ticket dropshipping requires an excellent approach to branding. You’ll need an effective brand, to earn the trust of your target audience. Start by choosing a memorable name for your business, and building an attractive website.

Don’t rely simply on selling through marketplaces. An online store will give you more opportunities to connect with your audience and showcase your brand. Make sure your store is user-friendly, attractive, and features your logo and color palette throughout.

It might even be worth working with a developer or consultant to make your store look particularly unique. Investing in your brand should help you to sell more.

Step 4: Create incredible product pages

Your customers can’t see the products you’re selling in-person, so you need to make sure your product pages convince them to buy.

Start by focusing on high-quality product descriptions, optimized for the search engines, and designed to highlight the benefits of your products.

10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (9)

Next, think about your product photos. Make sure your images look professional, with a clean, consistent background, and good lighting. Invest in a high-quality camera for high-resolution images, and consider shooting product videos where possible.

Make sure your product pages answer any questions your potential customers may have, and make it easy for them to reach out for you if they have concerns.

Step 5: Invest in Marketing

Great marketing is a must for a high-ticket dropshipping company. The right marketing is the key to attracting the attention of your target audience, and earning conversions.

Experiment with:

  • Social media marketing: Connect with your audience with Facebook Ads, Instagram posts, TikTok videos, and more.
  • SEO: Leverage search engine optimization techniques to ensure customers can find your products, and consider writing fresh content regularly.
  • Email marketing: Nurture your audience by capturing their email addresses at checkout, and sharing regular updates on your product collections and promotions.
10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (10)

Pay close attention to your marketing metrics, and be ready to update your strategy over time, based on what you learn about your audience.

Further reading 📚

10 Best Free Dropshipping Suppliers in the USA (2023) How to Start a Dropshipping Business in the UK? (2024) Is Dropshipping Legal? The Ethics and Risks of Dropshipping

Selling the Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products

Selling high-ticket dropshipping products can be an excellent way to make a significant profit. However, it’s important to remember that there are challenges to overcome too.

You’ll need to select the right products to make a profit, using market research, Google Trends, and our advice above.

You’ll also need to work hard to connect with the right suppliers, guarantee excellent quality, and build a memorable brand.

Make sure you’re willing to put in the work, before you dive in.


How to find high-ticket items to dropship?

There are plenty of ways to find high-ticket items for your dropshipping business. Using tools like Google Trends and SEMRush can help you discover what customers are searching for. You can also use social listening tools to monitor product mentions, or check out trending products on Amazon.

Can you dropship high quality products?

Yes, but you will need to invest more time in finding the right supplier, ensuring your expensive items are protected, and marketing your business. The higher the price of your products, the higher your potential for profit, but the risks and costs can increase too.

What is an example of a high-ticket product?

A high-ticket product is any item considered relatively expensive. The perception of “high-ticket” can change depending on where you are in the world. However, some common options include vehicles, high-tech gadgets, computer systems, and luxury furniture.

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10 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Niches for 2024 (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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