Dinner Party Jokes - 61 Hilarious Dinner Party Jokes (2024)

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A woman and her daughter are hosting a dinner party. An elderly man was at a dinner party A husband and wife are headed to a dinner party. A wife and her husband were having a dinner party for some important guests. I hate when during a dinner party someone brings up how inhumane killing cows is. A Man Was At A Fancy Dinner Party A premature ejaulator went to a dinner party. What happened to the cannibal when he was late to a dinner party? A man get pulled over with his young son in the back seat. Guy with a lisp turns up to a dinner party carrying a selection of cheeses and a couple of ducks under his arm After a dinner party I was at a dinner party last night and was seated next to a girl in a wheelchair.. I was hosting a dinner party and everyone thought my food was bad How do you make a Dinner party awkward? How do you find a vegan at a dinner party? Awkward Dinner Party Who are the worst guests at a dinner party? What do you get after the animal dinner party? What do cannibals serve at the beginning of a dinner party? Planning a dinner party in 2020 is like planning an orgy. Why did the lovestruck king skip the dinner party? Hannibal Lector crashed my dinner party and rudely demanded that I feed him! Judy walks into a dinner party with a much older man. The difference between 'Dinner Party' and 'Donner Party? What's the difference between a fancy dinner party and cannibalism? A man is sent by his wife to buy some snails for their fancy French dinner party A man and his wife went to a fancy dinner party at a friend’s estate... Snails for Dinner A Woman goes to her local church to talk to the Priest. i talked to your wife... Recently I got invited to a nudist dinner party but I had to skip it What do you call a cannibalistic dinner party? At the dinner party... A man and his wife decide to host a dinner party at their oceanfront home... A society lady runs into the employment office one day and demands a maid "right now". It seems she's having a dinner party that night and her maid quit. Wife at dinner party: "my husband is always calling me Sarah Palin" A woman was seated next to President Coolidge (aka “silent Cal”) at a dinner party. My daughter was having a pretend dinner party with her teddy bear and she asked, “Do you want anything to eat, Mr. Bear?” A philosophy professor stood before her class and had some items in front of her... The Transreligious Dinner Party During a dinner party, the hosts’ two little children enter the dining room totally nude and walk slowly around the table. An old man went to a dinner party with his wife and 3 friends. He then called his wife universe at the party. I was disappointed that my friend chose to bring hot dogs to my fancy pot-luck dinner party. Johnny is a sponge Escargot Lost in translation What's the difference between an orange and an erection? Mitt Romney and the King of Saudi-Arabia are having a dinner party... There’s a married couple, Nancy and Dave, at a dinner party talking to a friend about their pregnancy Prime Minister's Wife Makes a Faux Pas Which Larry is it? A man and his snails Old Buddy Hackett Joke A vicar and his wife are walking Foul-mouthed Timmy The Party In a hurry to get to a special dinner party, the guest speaker arrives and sat down, only to realize he'd forgotten his false teeth. A Russian diplomat was visiting Washington DC... Lovingly slow-cooked over an open flame... Cheesy Jokes One day, a family from mexico moves up from Mexico city all the way to Jacksonville Florida

A woman and her daughter are hosting a dinner party.

When all the guests arrive, the woman asks the little girl to say grace. She says, "But Mommy, I don't know what to say?" The mother says, "You've heard me pray. Just say you've heard me say." So the girl says, "Jesus, what was I thinking inviting all these people over to my house?"

An elderly man was at a dinner party

An elderly man at a dinner party was telling a small group about the wonderful restaurant he and his wife went to a couple of days before. The food was fantastic and the service impeccable. When someone asked him the name of it, he couldn't remember.

"I can't remember. Help me here..." He a...

A husband and wife are headed to a dinner party.

As they're driving, the husband accidentally runs over a skunk. The wife, all concerned, makes him stop to see if the skunk is okay.

"Honey, it's still alive! We can't just leave it here," the wife says.

"Dear, it's only a skunk. Let's go."

"No. We have to take it to the vet."<...

A wife and her husband were having a dinner party for some important guests.

The wife was very excited about this and wanted everything to be perfect. At the very last minute, she realized that she didn't have any snails for the dinner party, so she asked her husband to run down to the beach with the bucket to gather some snails.

Very grudgingly he agreed. He took the...

I hate when during a dinner party someone brings up how inhumane killing cows is.

They really know how to kill the moo

A Man Was At A Fancy Dinner Party

A man was at a fancy dinner party and he really needed to pass gas. Because the setting was so fancy he tried holding in the fart, but the need to release it was much too strong. The man looking around saw the host family's dog, Pluto, nearby. The man walked right next to the dog, and let out a litt...

A premature ejaulator went to a dinner party.

He didn't know what to wear, so he just came in his pants

What happened to the cannibal when he was late to a dinner party?

He got the cold shoulder

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A man get pulled over with his young son in the back seat.

The cop comes to the window.

"Sorry officer, I was rushing tog et home. My wife is throwing a dinner party for very important guests."

The cop writes him a ticket anyway, wishes him a good day and walks back to his patrol car. As he walks away, the dad mutters "Bastard."

The lit...

Guy with a lisp turns up to a dinner party carrying a selection of cheeses and a couple of ducks under his arm

The host says, "thanks for bringing the cheese, but why the ducks?"

The guest replies, "can't have cheese without cwackers"

After a dinner party

...while taking plates to the kitchen my guest asked if the dishwasher was dirty.

I said no, I believe she showered before dinner.

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I was at a dinner party last night and was seated next to a girl in a wheelchair..

She wasn't the most gorgeous, but the more the wine flowed, the more attractive I found her.
"So tell me" I whispered flirtily in her ear, "have you ever been fingered under a table?"

"No." she replied. "But I once got f*cked under a bus."

I was hosting a dinner party and everyone thought my food was bad

Exept the smoke detector, that thought it was fire

How do you make a Dinner party awkward?

Change the “i” into an “o.”

How do you find a vegan at a dinner party?

Don’t worry, they’ll let you know.

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Awkward Dinner Party

A young child was enjoying a cool drink in his room when he heard noises coming from his parents room. He proceeded to the room, wherein he found his parents arguing. His father called his mother a bitch and his mother called his father a bastard. Later on that day he asked his mother, "mummy what d...

Who are the worst guests at a dinner party?

Vegan bitcoin owners.

What do you get after the animal dinner party?

Stuffed animals.

What do cannibals serve at the beginning of a dinner party?


Planning a dinner party in 2020 is like planning an orgy.

It's taboo, risks spreading disease, and you gotta know the people you invite will be into it.

Why did the lovestruck king skip the dinner party?

Because his heart had been stolen and so he had no suit.

Hannibal Lector crashed my dinner party and rudely demanded that I feed him!

I gave him a piece of my mind.

Judy walks into a dinner party with a much older man.

At dinner, the lady sitting next to the woman turns to her and says, "My, that's a beautiful diamond you're wearing. In fact, I think it's the most beautiful diamond I have ever seen!"

"Thank you," replies Judy. "This is the Plotnick Diamond."

"The Plotnick Diamond? Is there a story to...

The difference between 'Dinner Party' and 'Donner Party?

The meaning of 'Who is being served now?'

What's the difference between a fancy dinner party and cannibalism?

Swapping an "I" for and "O".

A man is sent by his wife to buy some snails for their fancy French dinner party

While at the grocery, he meets a beautiful woman and they start chatting. One thing leads to another and he ends up at her house.

The following morning he wakes with a start and rushes home. In his haste he drops the bucket of snails against his front door.

Hearing the commotion, his ...

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A man and his wife went to a fancy dinner party at a friend’s estate...

...while there, the husband, feeling the luxurious meal, embarks on a journey to the restroom. After a good bit of time he returns and his wife begins to ask if he is feeling alright.

Interrupting, he enthusiastically describes “the most beautiful, wonderful toilet anybody has ever seen! Made...

Snails for Dinner

This guy and his wife lived somewhere where it was fairly common to go out and gather snails and cook them as a delicacy.

So they were having a dinner party, and the wife asks the husband to go get some snails to serve as appetizers. He takes a bucket and goes out and sets about his task. ...

A Woman goes to her local church to talk to the Priest.

The Priest asks her, "What troubles you, my child?" The woman replies,"Father, I have two female parrots at home. They only say " Hey cutie, wanna have some fun? " and " You can do *whatever* you want to me ", and nothing else. This has ruined more than one dinner party. I don't know what to do!"

i talked to your wife...

a guy goes to his rabbi, and says, "I think my wife is trying to poison me. What do I do?"

The rabbi says, "Let me talk to her. Don't worry."

A week later, the rabbi contacts the man. "I spoke to your wife for more than 3 hours...take the poison."

[credit to dinner party down...

Recently I got invited to a nudist dinner party but I had to skip it

I had nothing to wear

What do you call a cannibalistic dinner party?

The Donner Party

At the dinner party...

the suave man asks his wife "Pass the sugar, sugar!"

Not to be outdone, his buddy says to his own wife "Pass the honey, honey!"

Their biker pal turns to his old lady and yells "Pass the pork, pig!"

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A man and his wife decide to host a dinner party at their oceanfront home...

…the wife needs some hors d'oeuvres to serve to their guests, so asks the man to go down to the beach to collect some snails. The man grabs a bucket and goes down to fill his bucket with snails.

He has had a very long day, and is actually quite tired, so (against his better judgment) decides...

A society lady runs into the employment office one day and demands a maid "right now". It seems she's having a dinner party that night and her maid quit.

The guy in the agency explains that all the girls he has right now have just gotten off the boat from Ireland.
They're untrained. The lady says she'll train the girl but needs someone right away.

The agency guy asks for volunteers and Molly comes forward. She agrees to go and be trained....

Wife at dinner party: "my husband is always calling me Sarah Palin"

Guests: "that's funny, why does he call you Sarah Palin?"
Wife: "because he hates Sarah Palin."

A woman was seated next to President Coolidge (aka “silent Cal”) at a dinner party.

“I bet my friend that I would be able to get more than two words out of you tonight,” she said.

“You lose,” he replied.

My daughter was having a pretend dinner party with her teddy bear and she asked, “Do you want anything to eat, Mr. Bear?”

In my best bear voice, I replied, “No thanks, I’m stuffed!"

A philosophy professor stood before her class and had some items in front of her...

When the class began, silently she picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks.

She then asked the students if the jar was full?

They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.

She ...

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The Transreligious Dinner Party

Six people are planning a dinner party: a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, a Pagan, a Hindu, and an Atheist. The Atheist suggests pork chops as the main course. The Jew says, “No, we can’t have pork, YHWH strictly forbids the consumption of pork.”

The Christian says in response, “No He doesn’t! Je...

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During a dinner party, the hosts’ two little children enter the dining room totally nude and walk slowly around the table.

The parents are so embarrassed that they pretend nothing is happening and keep the conversation going. The guests cooperate and also continue as if nothing extraordinary is happening. After going all the way around the room the children leave, and there is a moment of silence at the table, during wh...

An old man went to a dinner party with his wife and 3 friends. He then called his wife universe at the party.

The three friends were surprised at the weird pet name and decided to guess the reason behind it.

The first friend was a romantic and said maybe he calls her that because their love must be as big as the universe.

The second friend was a scientist and said maybe he wants their marriage...

I was disappointed that my friend chose to bring hot dogs to my fancy pot-luck dinner party.

But, I suppose he could have bratwurst.

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Johnny is a sponge

One night a mother and father get into a heated argument.

"You bitch!" Screams the dad.
"You're a selfish prick" the mom replies.

Their little boy Johnny pipes up with "what do those words mean mommy and daddy?" Thinking quickly the dad says "I was just calling your mother a lady, ...


A woman sends her husband out to buy escargot for dinner party that night.
Instead of going straight to the store, he stops off at the pub.
Six beers later, he remembers: "The dinner party!"
He staggers to the store, buys all the escargot they have and staggers back home, where he promptly ...

Lost in translation

This joke is for anyone who has ever spent any time in Nigeria...

The lady of the house is having a dinner party and tells the steward (kitchen helper) “I’m going out shopping. Please chop all these vegetables for me by the time I get back.”

She gets back later that afternoon to find t...

What's the difference between an orange and an erection?

... I don't have an orange.

My boyfriend's cousin introduced himself to me with this joke. Works best when whispered quietly into someone's ear at a noisy dinner party, FYI.

Mitt Romney and the King of Saudi-Arabia are having a dinner party...

...the mood of the night is very good and after they spent a while talking about what new amazing things they have bought for themselves and the amount of money they managed to acquire in the past year, as well as all sorts of political matters they come to some lighter topics.
So the King says t...

There’s a married couple, Nancy and Dave, at a dinner party talking to a friend about their pregnancy

Friend: You look great, you’re glowing!
Nancy: Thank you! I really put the Nancy in pregnancy
Dave: And I really put the pregnancy in Nancy!

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Prime Minister's Wife Makes a Faux Pas

When Charles deGaulle decided to retire from public life, the British ambassador and his wife threw a gala dinner party in his honor. At the dinner table, the Ambassador's wife was talking with Madame deGaulle: "Your husband has been such a prominent public figure, such a presence on the French and ...

Which Larry is it?

Dave: I invited Larry to our dinner party tonight.

Sally: Wait! You mean the Larry who can’t spell, or the Larry who is a cannibal?

*phone chimes*

Text from Larry: I can’t wait to meat Sally tonight...

Dave: yeah... I’m not sure.

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A man and his snails

One day, a gentleman's wife is planning on hosting a dinner party and wants to class it up a bit, so she sends her husband out to pick up some snails for escargot. He picks up the snails and starts heading home, but on the way, the gentleman runs into an old friend and stops to chat for a minute. ...

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Old Buddy Hackett Joke

In a terrible accident a wealthy businessman had his penis torn off. Because of his immense wealth when it came time to repair the area he had the surgeon attach an elephant trunk in place of his penis. He was quite pleased with this and soon his life got back to normal.

The gentleman was at...

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A vicar and his wife are walking

A posh old vicar and his wife are walking through the village one Sunday afternoon when they see some graffiti with the letters F, U, C, K.
"oh Terence what does that mean? " asks the vicars wife.
Embarrassed and not wanting to talk about such things with his wife, the vicar tells her that i...

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Foul-mouthed Timmy

Timmy, a 6 year old, was walking home one day, when he heard his neighbors screaming, "Put your penis in my vagin*!" Timmy goes home to his mother, who is cooking dinner for a dinner party with their neighbors. Timmy asks his mother, "What does penis and vagin* mean?" His mother says that a penis is...

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The Party

When I was 8, my parents were throwing their annual formal dinner party. After much pleading, I was finally able to convinced them to let me greet and welcome everyone to the party.

One day, my parents got into an argument about the seating arrangements. The argument ended when dad called mo...

In a hurry to get to a special dinner party, the guest speaker arrives and sat down, only to realize he'd forgotten his false teeth.

He explained his dilemma to the man sitting next to him.
The man said, "No problem," reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of false teeth. "Try these,"he said.
"Too loose," the speaker said.
The man pulled out another pair.
"Too tight," the speaker told him.
"I have one mo...

A Russian diplomat was visiting Washington DC...

While there, he was invited to a large dinner celebration being held by members of the US government. As he entered the dining hall, he was taken aback by the decor. It was very impressive. Everyone was served fillet mignon. The plates forks and knives were real silver. A small band was playing clas...

Lovingly slow-cooked over an open flame...

...I served a female deer with herbs to my family at a recent dinner party.

Calling it "Spit-Roasted Dill Doe" was maybe a little unwise.

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Cheesy Jokes

What sort of cheese would you use to entice a bear from a cave?


What sort of cheese can hide a small horse?


Why did the cheese get beat up by the stone?

Because the Roquefort back

Why did the one legge...

One day, a family from mexico moves up from Mexico city all the way to Jacksonville Florida

One day, a family from mexico moves up from Mexico city all the way to Jacksonville Florida. They settle in a small little house. The neighbors are a little skeptical, being their race and all, so they keep an eye out on their plot for a few days. To his suprise, he sees that the family is one of th...

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Dinner Party Jokes - 61 Hilarious Dinner Party Jokes (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.